Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sugar High: Sugar Low


I have officially completed my 21 Day Challenge!!! YAY!!  I am four pounds lighter and have lost a half inch off of my waist in just 21 days.  I am so happy with my results, but I think the real challenge has only begun because the next challenge has no time limit…IT’S FOR LIFE!!!  

I wanted to write about an experience I had today at work.  Every time someone at work gets married or has a baby we have a little cupcake shower for them.  We have several staff members tying the knot soon, so today meant…CUPCAKES!!!  Since I am no longer on any dietary restrictions I decided to indulge in one of those sweet, sugary, cakey pieces of heaven, and heaven it was…while I was eating it.  Shortly after I ate that delicious cupcake I experienced a sugar crash like I’ve never experienced before.

All I have to say is thank GOD my student teacher is teaching right now because I literally turned into a walking zombie that lasted for HOURS!!!  I could barely get up from my desk because I was so lethargic.  I think my body was sugar shocked!  I haven’t really had that much sugar at one time for weeks and apparently it did not like that cupcake.

Lesson learned? Limit my sugar intake.  In fact, try to avoid it at all costs!!!  I wasn’t able to regain energy until I was nearly done with a really intense power yoga class.  Tonight for dinner we had baked chicken nuggets coated with almond meal and some yummy steamed brussel sprouts!  I am now feeling like myself again.  NO MORE CUPCAKES!! (at least for a while) 🙂

I am still keeping a weekly menu and weekly workout schedule.

This Week’s Menu

Monday: Almond meal baked chicken nuggets, steamed brussel sprouts

Tuesday: Eating dinner with friends (they’re cooking)

Wednesday: grilled chicken, spinach salad

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: I’ll be in New York visiting schools for a work trip (the hubs is on his own) 🙂

This Week’s Workout Schedule

Monday: Power Yoga

Tuesday: run/walk, 2 tabatas

Wednesday: zumba

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday:  Gonna try to workout some in my hotel room if I have time

This week will be interesting with my trip.  I’m really excited about it, and I hope I won’t ruin all of my progress.  I’m guessing we will be walking A LOT, so that should help.  Wish me luck everyone as I continue my quest for healthy living on a regular basis!

Until next post, enjoy your week!  I know I will because I’m headed to the BIG APPLE!!!